Frequently Asked Questions
This section provides help with the most common questions about Spanish School Vallarta.
Can I register by phone?
Yes, you can register by phone, just call our cell phone: 322 118 0822.
How would I know which level is right for me?
If you are not sure which level is right for you, give us a call. We will discuss it with you personally.
Is there an introduction course or a test I can take?
No, there is not. Please contact us by email or by phone.
What are the payment options?
We only take cash. Mexican pesos or Dollars. If you have a local bank account you can pay with a check too.
What's included in the US$250 cost?
That is the cost of each level. Class materials are not included and have an additional cost.
Do you offer private lessons?
Yes, we can arrange private lessons if you prefer.
What is the maximum per class?
We have room for a maximum of 16 students.
Do I have to take all the levels one after the other?
No, taking all levels in a row could be overwhelming. It is better to take a break between them.